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El Camino del Río Elementary School

Friendship Week in 2 weeks!

Posted Date: 1/28/25 (7:24 PM)

Lunes-Monday 2/10

Soñando con un mundo de Amabilidad 

Venga en Pijamas

Dreaming of a World of Kindness

Wear pajamas

Martes-Tuesday 2/11


Amabilidad es mi Poder 

Utilice ropa de un superhéroe o crear tu propio superhéroe

Kindness is my Superpower

Dress like a superhero or make up your own superhero that spreads kindness.

Miércoles-Wednesday 2/12

Paz Amor y Sé Amable 

Utilice ropa estilo tie-dye, símbolos de paz o amor

Peace, Love, & Kindness 

Wear tie-dye, peace signs or hearts

Jueves-Thursday 2/13


Día de Acciones de Amabilidad

Demuestre su amabilidad con su actitud P.R.I.D.E

Utilice ropa con los colores de la escuela (azul/amarillo/dorado) y estrellas

Random Acts of Kindness Day-Show us your  El Camino P.R.I.D.E

  Wear our school colors (blue/yellow/gold) & stars

Viernes-Friday 2/14

Día de la Amistad-

Utilice ropa con los colores rojo, rosado o con corazones

Have a Heart for Others

Wear red, pink or hearts. 


The wonderful 5th grade Student Leadership came up with the days for the whole school to participate in a week of kindness. Students will be able to bring in Valentine's Cards and store bought treats. Teachers will share class list by first name and don't forget staff and teachers. Here is a list of staff. If your student needs cards let us know ASAP so we can make sure we have enough for everyone, 

Office Staff Position # of Staff
Karen Ramirez Gutierrez Principal 1
Stephanie Miranda Secretary 2
Martha Morales Solano Office Assistant 3
Wendy Sanford School Nurse 4
Becky Brown Nurse 5
Classroom Teachers

Zoe Teply Developmental Kinder Teacher 6
Natalie Reed Developmental Kinder Teacher 7
Marcy Hellman Kindergarten Teacher 8
Windy Leona Kindergarten Teacher 9
Juanita Dominguez/Mya Keartes Kindergarten Teacher 10/11
Leni Ament Kindergarten Teacher 12
Annie Whitted 1st Grade Teacher 13
Mcfadden/ Ingrid Johnson 1st Grade Teacher 14/15
Aileen Hernandez Enriquez 1st Grade Teacher 16
Ana Díaz 2nd Grade Teacher 17
Ian Connelly 2nd Grade Teacher 18
Diego Ruiz 2nd Grade Teacher 19
Erin Piper/Adrea Castelli 3rd Grade Teacher 20/21
Erin Skoubo 3rd Grade Teacher 22
Carolina Garcia 3rd Grade Teacher 23
Victor Valverde 4th Grade Teacher 24
Erika Lincango 4th Grade Teacher 25
Mari Mojica 4th Grade Teacher 26
Yesica Meza 5th Grade Teacher 27
Nikita Brougher 5th Grade Teacher 28
Alexis Screen 5th Grade Teacher 29
Support Staff

Cristina Cruz Vargas DK EA 30
Sarai Morelos Morales DK EA 31
Lupe Ceja Hernandez Title EA 32
Ruby Martinez Title EA 33
Maria Franco Title EA 34
Clara Thomas Kinder EA 35
Claudia Robles Bello Kinder EA 36
Natalie Mendoza Kinder EA 37
Anthony Silva-Figueroa Kinder EA 38
Jael Perez Díaz 1st Grade EA 39
Yazmin Coronel 1st Grade EA 40
Jackie Isaksen 1st Grade EA 41
Crisel Ramon Morgado ELD EA 42
Elsa Gallegos ELD EA 43
Brooke Monks Behavior EA 44
Victoria Landazuri Whole School EA 45
Emily Omlin SPED EA 47
Mark Davenport Food Service 49
Socorro Dominguez Food Service 50
Kia Arnold Food Service 51
Jaydra Rotolante Food Service 52
Laura Cody Head Custodian 53
Jeff Scoble Technology Support 54
Pilar Zentz BEST Coordinator 55
Alex Nelson Night Custodian 56

Aline Baissac Instructional Coach 57
Sacia Stiles Counselor 58
Jennifer Slater SPED Teacher 59
Nancy Schaal-Mcharry ELD Teacher 60
Claire Roybal ELD Teacher 61
Jacob Havner Student Sucess Coordinator 61
Crystal Strege Librarian 62
David Adee Music Teacher 63
Lupe Callihan Title 1 Teacher 64
Rosaura Esparza Cuevaz PE Teacher 65
Lori Moore Speech Teacher 66
Rachel Freeman School Psych 67